Many adults look back on their childhood and schooling and recall struggling with a range of subjects, were often being told they were talking too much, lazy or lacked academic ability, only to realise later in life that their experience was probably due to an attention and/or concentration issue such as ADHD or ASD.
In recent years the field of psychology has learned so much more in the space of ADHD and ASD. Many adults come to us to get assessed so they can finally understand how their brain is functioning.
The Balmain Practice takes a wholistic approach to assessments, using proven and reliable tests supplemented with relevant medical history and background information.
Our psychologists take a warm, friendly, relaxed and supportive approach to testing and actively engage with you throughout the testing process. All testing is administered in a comfortable and quiet environment free of noise and distractions.
Our psychologists have expertise in the tests administered and are able to recognise behaviour during testing that may indicate underlying conditions or a neurological disorder such as: ​
ADD (attention deficit disorder)
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder)
ASD (Autism spectrum disorder)
Learning disorders
An assessment may result in a formal diagnosis which enables the person to become eligible to receive accommodations at university. For example, it could be extra time in exams, being able to sit in a separate room for exams and or having extra time on assignments.
A diagnosis also provides information about treatment and intervention. This could be a combination of medication and therapeutic support.
Common questions you may ask yourself or areas of concern that can be answered and addressed: